Manxeon's Favorites BFM Business Talks
It was 1st time for me to hear this radio station on 2009, back when I was driving to work from Subang to KL, as usual's it was a rushing day to off to work not to mention I was in bad luck and caught in traffic and da*n late for work. At that time I was listening some awful song and cause me more "TAK BOLEH TAHAN" feeling, so I decided to change other channel, randomly when I was changing channel I end up stop on 1 station that talk about online business & entrepreneurship, I still remember very clearly the spoke person was hosted by Freda.
Surprisingly for someone like me that doesn't like to listen mumbling business talks, end up sat in the car fully focus listen to the topic, chilling and starting forgot that I was in traffic jam, as the talks end, I stating to think and the topic really struck me to deep thought that I really miss a lot of business's skill development, self thought and of cause I think I lack of idealism. Ever-since, BFM has truly become one of my top list of Business station to follow (The station really hit my "death point").
"I also think of this station is an "Extra Classroom" to remind me in certain thing that I need to get, to do and to think about in order to fine tuning my business structure"
So, here am I sharing few of my favorites Postcast from BFM, I believe that visitor who comes to visit my website is not just to buy my products instead to learn something too, so I believe again that its unfair just to get business from you instead I should give you something 1st.
Well that it regard how think about this Station and hopefully the Postcast that I share here (will post more later on) able to help and give you some idea how to market you business, Thank you, Enjoy and have a nice podcast day :)
Surprisingly for someone like me that doesn't like to listen mumbling business talks, end up sat in the car fully focus listen to the topic, chilling and starting forgot that I was in traffic jam, as the talks end, I stating to think and the topic really struck me to deep thought that I really miss a lot of business's skill development, self thought and of cause I think I lack of idealism. Ever-since, BFM has truly become one of my top list of Business station to follow (The station really hit my "death point").
"I also think of this station is an "Extra Classroom" to remind me in certain thing that I need to get, to do and to think about in order to fine tuning my business structure"
So, here am I sharing few of my favorites Postcast from BFM, I believe that visitor who comes to visit my website is not just to buy my products instead to learn something too, so I believe again that its unfair just to get business from you instead I should give you something 1st.
Well that it regard how think about this Station and hopefully the Postcast that I share here (will post more later on) able to help and give you some idea how to market you business, Thank you, Enjoy and have a nice podcast day :)